Hello everyone!! It's been a while, hasn't it? So, out of nowhere, I just felt this sudden urge to dive back into our project, hahah.

For now, I'm working on making the game lighter (converting all game gifs to webp, reducing the size of each file by around 80%). This not only makes it easier for all of you to download but also makes it possible to play via the browser too.

While the new version is under development, you can play the version below!

The Patreon version is too large to play online on Itch, so I'm making it available for you to download and play offline! (Note this is a older patreon version. Version 0.1.1 FIXED is just for supporters)

File pass: 0095ptvupdt

Support Us <3

If you can, consider supporting us on PatreonBuying me a Beer .

Donate (Paypal)


Buy me a Beer

The website went down because I ran short of money and needed to cut some expenses. But since my financial situation has stabilized, the website will go online again.


0095ptvitch.zip 557 MB

Install instructions

File Password: 0095ptvupdt

Cheat codes just for supporters

Development log


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this is very buggy and alot of it doesnt work

Images not loading fast and some are not working


any femdom in this game and character name, please?

or dominating personality female character name 

Hi!! The development stopped for some time (university, work, etc.), but yes, Mr. Audrey, The Principal, and almost every female character can have a dominating personality (some more than others) depending  on your choices.

in principal office i found error

Hi, Dr. Audrey content doesn't work on android browser, just the text 

Hi!! Thx for your feedback. Just this content doesn't work?

Yh, it had a broken Pic in the frame, other than that, nothing seemed out of place, good luck 

Alright! I'll try to fix it for the next update here. Thanks again <3

downloadable version?

(1 edit)

Hii Neversaynever, the specific version for download is for Patreons of any tier <3

i can't play online